What Kind of Apples Are Best for People with Diabetes?
1. Should People with Diabetes Eat Green Apples or Red Apples? Both green apples and red apples are beneficial for your health. However, for individuals with diabetes, nutrition experts recommend consuming green apples. Green apples have less sugar and higher fiber content, which helps maintain stable blood sugar levels. On the other hand, red apples, although rich in fiber and low in saturated fat, cholesterol, and sodium, contain more sugar and calories compared to green apples. Hence, people with diabetes should avoid consuming red apples. Green apples have a low blood sugar index of 39, providing approximately 20g of carbohydrates for natural sugar-based energy. Additionally, green apples are packed with vitamin C and antioxidants. The recommended approach is to consume apples with the skin, preferably during lunch. Individuals with diabetes should opt for medium-sized apples as opposed to large ones. Alternatively, they can blend green apples into smoothies for added enjoym...